With MyTrips never been so easy to travel!


You can find and book your accommodation and or experience, to any destination of your choice!

Planning your trip has never been so easier. Whether in family vacation, for business trip, for your vacation, or for a short stay, or a well deserved rest. The MyTrips provides detailed information to help you choose your Accommodation and Experiences, which the region you are visiting. Will be available the best deals that you can analyze, compare and decide within seconds, it´s intuitive and easily. We offer accommodation and experiences at the best price guaranteed.



Your trip will be ready in a few clicks!


Find a region or city you want to visit and go!

 The search is very intuitive, just enter the date of your trip, a region or locality, or if you want accommodation or experiences, and how many people will travel with you. Then you can better determine the results of your search, by introducing price limits per night by, star rating or by accommodation type or experience.



Make your reservation and confirm your payment option.

Just login to your client area, if you aren´t register, make a registry and proceed with the confirmation of the payment option. Please read carefully the service detail of the accommodation or experience, the time of check-in and check-out, and the exact location of the accommodation or experience.




It's time to enjoy your trip!

Now you just need to take your luggage and make your check-in at the appointed time. You can use the printout of your booking, to find your accommodation or experience. See that she has all the details that will help you, and make your trip much easier.



Write a review or give an opinion!

Your opinion is always important to review your trip, because it helps other travellers in their decisions. Our owners are also grateful, as did their best to make your trip went well. The important thing is to make a constructive comment, exempt and can really help other travellers in their decision. Our questionnaire is very intuitive, fast and practical.